• clark gable carole lombard

    Gossip Friday: Patched Up

    From September 1936: Clark Gable and Carole Lombard decided t patch up their quarrel for the sake of the joint box they owned for last week’s Pacific southwest tennis tournament. Another interested observer at the matches was Mrs. Rhea Gable, who spent most of the time looking sadly at the husband from whom she is separated and his blonde companion.

  • clark gable carole lombard

    Happy Anniversary, Clark Gable and Carole Lombard

    Clark Gable and Carole Lombard were wed 83 years ago today, on March 29, 1939, in Kingman, Arizona. Fans and press alike had been waiting impatiently for the nuptials ever since Clark’s second wife Ria Langham was granted a divorce on March 7. From the Associated Press: Gable, Carole Lombard Elope, Wed in Arizona   Kingman, Ariz, March 29.—Clark Gable and Carole Lombard, two of the brightest of all Hollywood’s film stars, were married here late today by Rev. Kenneth M. Engle of the First Methodist-Episcopal Church. The couple walked into the marriage license bureau about an hour before the ceremony and so startled the clerk, Miss Viola Olsen, she…

  • clark gable andy devine

    Gossip Friday: Devine Doubles for Cupid

    From April 1939: Devine Doubles for Cupid Do you recognize Andy Devine in the role of cupid? Well, take another look. When I talked to him on Paramount’s “Geronimo” set, he told me that he was responsible for the Kingman, Arizona, elopement of Clark Gable and Carole Lombard.  “Gable called me up the night before and said, ‘Well I think we’re going to do it tomorrow, but we don’t know where. Can you suggest any place?’ ‘Sure,” I replied, ‘my home town–Kingman, Arizona. And I can get everything fixed for you.’ But I’m sorry I suggested it now.” Andy added, “they used to say of Kingman–‘this is where Andy Devine…

  • clark gable army

    Gossip Friday: A No Show

    From November 1943: Clark Gable Rumor Travels Merry Round and Ends Nowhere Birmingham, Alabama—At 7:02am The News phone rang and an excited and youthful voice asked, “Is Clark Gable coming?” “No,” said The News, kindly but firmly. That’s what The News thought. The Army had said so, and The News believed the Army. From 7:03 to 11:59 the Frank Nelson Building, the Jefferson County Courthouse, the Tutwiler Hotel and all downtown Birmingham seethed with rumors that Clark Gable had been here since 9, that Clark Gable would arrive at 3, that Clark Gable was marching through the city at the time in a parade. But at noon came an explosive…

  • Gossip

    Gossip Friday: A Fashionable Escort

    From February 1937: Clark Gable and Carle Lombard were seen lunching in the Turf Club. Gable terminated a Utah hunting trip with Dr. Franklyn Thorpe, Mary Astor’s ex-husband, to get back and escort Carole. Gable wore a Cheviot tweed, with plain back jacket, and two side vents in the coat. A green oxford shirt, with button down collar, green tie, brown suede shoes and Tyrolean hat, hit the new men’s fashion note.  

  • clark gable kay williams tampa

    Clark Gable in Tampa Part 5: Mrs. Gable is Nice

    For the last segment of our series of interviews Clark Gable gave at the Tampa International Airport in February 1958, it appears that as the female reporters were hounding Clark asking him mundane questions, a male reporter managed to talk to Kay Gable. Mrs. Gable is Nice, Male Reporter Says by Leland Hawes, Tribune Staff Writer I had Mrs. Gable all to myself–for 10 nice minutes while her crinkle-browed husband was nearly “skwushed” by a squad of inquiring reporters, female variety. A cool, cool blonde with blue, blue eyes, Kay Gable didn’t twitter an eyelash at the spectacle of her chunk-of-man surrounded by palpitating pulchritude. “It’s really rather refreshing to…

  • clark gable adventure

    Gossip Friday: Most Nervous

    From June 1945: Clark Gable’s studio made it a sort of public unveiling when reported for his first camera assignment after having spent more than three years–all of them after he was 40–as a buck private-to-major in the air forces. Most nervous man on the set: Clark Gable.

  • clark gable tampa

    Clark Gable in Tampa Part 4: His Ears Aren’t So Big After All

    Continuing in our series of Clark Gable being interviewed at the Tampa International Airport in February 1958, here’s Part 4, in which you find out he loves huckleberries, if he still loves acting, and if he’d consider going to the moon: His Ears Aren’t So Big After All by Ramona Demery, Tribune Staff Writer I’m rather new at this thing, I guess you call it a cub reporter. Well, not even that, for my job is to keep the floor clean, file weddings and write garden club notices. Then along came a chance to interview Clark Gable. What a madhouse: four women firing questions at once. This one just gave…