clark gable

Gossip Friday: Clark in Calgary

clark gable

From July 1933:

Girls! Girls!

Clark Gable may come to Calgary to attend the stampede–but he will accompanied by his wife.

Interviewed at the Vancouver hotel last week, Mr. Gable refused to commit himself, but said that there was a possibility of his coming to Calgary.

He left the hotel Saturday for an unannounced destination, hinting that it might be Banff and it might be Prince Rupert. Accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. F.N Selman, the party has been travelling by car up the Pacific coast, stopping as long as they wanted in a city and then starting for some other place.

At no point would they tell reporters where they were heading for.

“If we go to Banff, we will probably see Calgary also,” he said.

At least he knows when the stampede starts and other details.

One Comment

  • Dan

    How excited Canadians at the time would have been about the prospect of Clark Gable being in town! 🙂

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