clark gable strange cargo

Gossip Friday: Sound Your Siren

clark gable strange cargo

From January 1940:

The boys play too rough on Clark Gable’s sets, Carole Lombard discovered. She visited her husband on the sound stage where Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer’s “Strange Cargo” was in production, in time to see Gable watching with great amusement while Lou Smith, his stand-in, and Stanley Campbell, his make-up man, reenacted the fight that is staged by Gable and Albert Dekker for the film.

Neither of the combatants saw Miss Lombard until Smith suddenly ducked and Campbell landed a haymaker on Miss Lombard’s cheek. The two retired in great confusion and amid profound apologies, while Gable  grinningly warned his wife that “next time you step into this gymnasium, you better sound your siren.”


  • Dan

    This is a great little story 🙂 Imagine Carole visiting that set with all of the anger and resentment on display between Clark and Joan at the time lol. That would have been something to behold 🙂

  • Dan

    The website’s new look is amazing!! Very slick and sophisticated- just like Gable! Thank you for all you do 🙂

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