clark gable dolly o'brien

Gossip Friday: Closed for the Holidays

clark gable dolly o'brien

From January 1946:

Clark Gable will spend the holidays in New York or Florida. The ranch again will be closed. When Carole Lombard was alive the ranch was a festive place at Christmas.

The other night the Gable ranch saw its first party in several years with Clark entertaining about twelve of us at a charming buffet supper. Among the guests were Victor Fleming who directed “Adventure,” which brings Clark back to the screen, Diana and Bill Powell and Mrs. Jay (Dolly) O’Brien. We had barbecued lamb that was delicious.

I asked Dolly O’Brien–it’s with her and her large family that Clark will spend the holidays–if she and Clark would marry.

“We’re much too old friends to marry, Clark and I,” she answered.


  • Dan

    Oh my. Entertaining on the ranch without Carole’s presence. I can only imagine what that would have been like the first few times Clark did it. He survived though…he was a survivor to the end. Thank you for this new photo for me 🙂

  • Dan

    I came by to see if maybe something was posted before the Christmas break because I have to go to my parents’ until the end of the week. I’ll be back to post on any new photos or entries when I return. Until then, Happy Holidays and thank you for all you do here 🙂

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