• clark gable anita colby

    {New Article} 1946: Are You The Girl For Clark Gable?

    This article is run-of-the-mill for the period. After Carole Lombard died and Clark was home from the war, every article was about who would be the next Mrs. Gable and what kind of women he likes. Hey but this one included a quiz! (and yes, it’s quite sexist) Take this test to see if you’re the girl for Gable. Are you mature in your manner? Do you have a quick mind? Do you possess a quality or knowledge which would make you interesting to Clark? Are you honest, frank, direct? Do you have a sense of humor? Are you good at gay small talk? Can you intelligently discuss engines, hunting,…

  • clark gable dolly o'brien

    Gossip Friday: Closed for the Holidays

    From January 1946: Clark Gable will spend the holidays in New York or Florida. The ranch again will be closed. When Carole Lombard was alive the ranch was a festive place at Christmas. The other night the Gable ranch saw its first party in several years with Clark entertaining about twelve of us at a charming buffet supper. Among the guests were Victor Fleming who directed “Adventure,” which brings Clark back to the screen, Diana and Bill Powell and Mrs. Jay (Dolly) O’Brien. We had barbecued lamb that was delicious. I asked Dolly O’Brien–it’s with her and her large family that Clark will spend the holidays–if she and Clark would…

  • Gossip

    Gossip Friday: Update on Clark

    From January 1945: The delay in Clark Gable’s return to the screen is due to his refusal to do service pictures. “I turned down several scripts,” Clark tells me, “because they can’t help from making a hero out of you and I wouldn’t feel good about that considering the people who really are doing something about the war.” Clark wants to come back in something that is straight entertainment. Either “Strange Adventure” or “Lucky Baldwin” is okay with him. And now about those persistent rumors that Gable will wed Dolly O’Brien, widow of Jay O’Brien. Clark is close-mouthed about this sort of thing but I don’t believe these two good…