
Gossip Friday: Mystery Cake

clark gable birthday cake

From March 1938:

Clark Gable celebrated a birthday on February 2. He still wants to know who presented him with a birthday cake inscribed, “Long Live the King.” He was recently declared “King of the Movies” in a national poll. He thinks the cake was sent by Spencer Tracy. Carole Lombard presented him with furniture for his new ranch house and many books. Clothes designers of America have announced that Clark is the best-dressed man in movies. Clark has thanked them for the honor, but declares that he does not want to be known as a clothes dummy. “I wear good clothes because pictures demand them,” he said, “but off-screen I dress like the average man, comfortable but neat.”

That is a fact, too. Invariably he wears open-neck shirts and comfortable slacks and sport coats.


His birthday is February 1, not 2!

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