
Gossip Friday: One Swell Guy

Clark and some little fans

From November 1937, letter to the editor:

A week ago, I was bewailing my fate because I have to live in a town where nothing ever happens and now imagine—I’ve been talking to Clark Gable!

 He had been fishing in Montana and, on his way back to Hollywood stopped in Twin Falls for supper and a night’s rest before continuing his trip. He is certainly one swell guy! There aren’t many stars who, after driving a car right hundred miles, and being dead tired, mosquito-bitten and hungry, would have time to share with the wide-eyed people of a little Idaho town. Mr. Gable, however, surrounded by autograph hunters, said, with that famous grin, “I wish you’d let me get a bite to eat first, but—oh well,” and, putting down his fork, wrote that scrawling, distinctive signature several dozen times while his neglected dinner grew cold.

 Is it any wonder that I’m treasuring the dress belt he signed for me (I didn’t have any paper), and that I want to say this: In later years I’ll never forget how completely charming, friendly and human was the first movie star I met.

 ~Jean Jones

Twin Falls, Idaho


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Pictures in the gallery, including screenshots from Honky Tonk.

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