
Gossip Friday: One Passion

clark gable carole lombard

From June 1941:

Carole Lombard and Clark Gable have one passion in life–the army-type truck they had built to take he place of their honeymoon station wagon which was too small for the long motor trips they take together. With a top like a covered wagon, the truck is a model of compactness, outfitted to carry all their camping needs as well as gun cases.

But on their very first hunting trip together, Carole almost killed her illustrious husband. They were hunting geese at Morrow Bay, and Carole’s was first shot. While Clark watched in admiration, Carole bagged the lead goose. Thirty-five pounds of dead bird fell through the air, landing smack on the back of Clark’s neck, and knocking him out cold. He fell into the water, and Carole almost broke her back dragging him out again.

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