• Gossip

    Gossip Friday: Tuesday night in Hollywood

    From February 1937: This is the thing that keeps Hollywood the town of enchanting contradiction and makes it the most unexplainable spot in the world. Take one particular Tuesday evening in Hollywood, for instance. At the Cocoanut Grove: Lights, music, champagne, movie stars, a Joan Bennett surprise party, a director and a blonde actress breaking their hearts for a love they can’t have. On a Laurel Canyon hillside: A barbecue, Carole Lombard and Clark Gable, Gary Cooper and Sandra, his wife, hot sizzling steaks, stars overhead, old-time songs, new-time stories and mustard. In the overflow meeting for a religious lecture: Director Frank Capra, Ginger Rogers and her mother, Sid Grauman,…

  • Gossip

    Gossip Friday: Ann’s Ideal Man

    A short article from June 1940 in which actress Ann Sheridan describes her ideal man: Right here I’d like to mention that I don’t go around describing, unsolicited, my masculine ideal to everyone I meet. What I mean is, I was asked by Movie Mirror to do this…so in describing the sort of man I would choose if I were to marry I’m contriving a sort of composite of several men I know and like and admire… He’d dance like Cesar Romero. The Romero dancing is in a class by itself. He’d have Joel McCrea’s physique–tall, square-shouldered, rangy and not an ounce of spare fat on him! I hate bay windows,…

  • Gossip

    Gossip Friday: Clark’s Valentine

    From September 1940: Happy-though-married Clark Gable keeps Carole Lombard’s dressing room filled with red roses. And Gene Raymond keeps Jeanette MacDonald well supplied with pink roses, pink being Jeanette’s favorite color. Lots of new stuff this week: New rare pictures in the gallery–hundreds added! A new article in the Article Archive by Norma Shearer describing her favorite male costars A new radio show in the Multimedia section–The Buccaneer  from 1938  

  • Gossip

    Gossip Friday: Clark loses his poise

    From September 1940, an article entitled “Would You Have Lost Your Poise, Too?” ...Clark Gable has done some nature facing, too, and has had a lot of years of trooping. But nothing had prepared him for the situation which arose when a piece of scenery fell on him and he heard that awful ripping sound and found himself without his trousers in front of five hundred delighted extras. To say nothing of a raucous cast and crew. Not only that. Unsympathetic blokes began cracking wise at once about the Gable knees. What does a seasoned trooper do under these circumstances? Smile? Toss it off with an airy gesture? Not this…

  • Anniversary

    Happy Birthday, Mr. Gable

    Today is Clark’s 109th birthday! To celebrate, this month will be chock full of new stuff–pictures, radio shows, video clips, articles and sections. To begin with, there are a lot of new pictures in the gallery. The film pages have been given a facelift, featuring new pictures and many now have clips and trailers. Film pages have been added for Laughing Sinners, Hell Divers, Chained, Cain and Mabel and Comrade X. I’m also adding my own review of each picture. I’d like to add reviews from Gable fans as well. If you would like to submit a review for a Gable film (brief, and also rate it 1 to 5 stars), email it to me…

  • Gossip

    Gossip Friday: Lunch at RKO

    From September 1940: None of this light lunch on a card table in the dressing room for Clark Gable. He eats a hearty lunch in the Metro commissary every day when he is working, and his presence rarely causes a flutter, except when there are tourists lunching there. But the other day he went over to the RKO studio to have lunch with Carole and there was so much excitement in the commissary that things didn’t get normal for hours. The waitresses became completely confused and people got soup who never ordered soup, and the poor RKO stars, who aren’t appreciated on their home lot, got shoved around something awful.…

  • Boom Town,  Gossip

    Gossip Friday: On the set of Boom Town

    From September 1940: Here’s mud in your eye! Being a movie star does have its unpleasant moments, too. For example, in “Boom Town”, Spencer Tracy and Clark Gable do a sequence in which they meet in a wooden plank stretched over a mud-hole. Each tries to make the other get out of the way. In the course of this scuffling, someone starts shooting down the street and both, for safety’s sake, dive headlong into the mud. Coming up first, Clark good naturedly tries to shake hands with Spencer, who says, “Aw nuts!” and walks away. Mud-holes are nothing new to Clark. He did a nosedive into one in “Too Hot…

  • Gossip

    Gossip Friday: Flying Lessons

    From June 1940:   Clark Gable and Carole Lombard have decided to buy a plane and learn to fly. Paul Mantz, who has a fat business flying elopers to Nevada, is set to give them instructions.   This is particularly eerie. As far as I know these lessons never happened and they never bought a plane. But what if they had? Would that have changed Carole’s fate? Interesting to ponder with the 68th anniversary of her death being tomorrow.  I’ve often wondered too if Clark had accompanied Carole on the trip to Indiana, would they have taken the train together? Or would they have decided to take the plane back…

  • Gossip

    Gossip Friday: Missing Sylvia

    From September 1950: Clark Gable kept the trans-Atlanic phone purring with his constant calls to London where wife, Sylvia, was called on business regarding her holdings in Britain. Clark couldn’t accompany her since he was smack in the middle of a film, but he certainly made his presence felt via calls and cables. New this week: Film page for Across the Wide Missouri New article from Screen Album in the Article Archive New pictures in the gallery

  • Uncategorized

    Cartoon Clark

    Clark “appeared” on the new episode of “The Simpsons” last night. Of course with exaggerated ears and I wouldn’t call the voice a spot-on imitation, but hey, any exposure Clark can get nowadays is great! Here is the clip: The Simpsons He also appears briefly at the end of the episode as a ghost  and pays Grandpa Simpson for the shoe shine but I couldn’t find a clip of that. Also, if you subscribe to this blog, you probably got a bunch of “Gossip Friday” emails over the weekend. My blog went kind of haywire with the year change and I’m not sure why, but decided to send out a bunch…