
Gossip Friday: Clark loses his poise


From September 1940, an article entitled “Would You Have Lost Your Poise, Too?”

...Clark Gable has done some nature facing, too, and has had a lot of years of trooping. But nothing had prepared him for the situation which arose when a piece of scenery fell on him and he heard that awful ripping sound and found himself without his trousers in front of five hundred delighted extras. To say nothing of a raucous cast and crew. Not only that. Unsympathetic blokes began cracking wise at once about the Gable knees.

What does a seasoned trooper do under these circumstances? Smile? Toss it off with an airy gesture? Not this seasoned trooper. He turned tail and ran for cover and wasn’t seen again for hours and when he did return to the set, he was distinctly unsocialble. Maybe next time he’ll merely bow and say something witty and appropriate but those things take time and thoughtful preparation.

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