
Gossip Friday: Lunch at RKO


From September 1940:

None of this light lunch on a card table in the dressing room for Clark Gable. He eats a hearty lunch in the Metro commissary every day when he is working, and his presence rarely causes a flutter, except when there are tourists lunching there. But the other day he went over to the RKO studio to have lunch with Carole and there was so much excitement in the commissary that things didn’t get normal for hours. The waitresses became completely confused and people got soup who never ordered soup, and the poor RKO stars, who aren’t appreciated on their home lot, got shoved around something awful. The studio may have to pass a rule that Lombard keep her husband in her dressing room.

New this week:

Two new artciles from 1961 about Clark’s death in The Article Archive

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