• clark gable greer garson adventure
    Adventure,  Films,  Gossip

    Gossip Friday: Misadventure

    From February 1951: You can safely bet anything you have that Clark Gable and Greer Garson will never kiss each other, or anything each other, in any movie. “Gable’s Back and Garson’s Got Him!” I remember the ad excitement when Clark returned from the war, and Greer, then Queen of the Metro lot, grabbed him for “Adventure.” A better title might have been “Misadventure.” They never did hit it off. Some say it was because Greer was ready to work until 10:00am. Clark Gable stomped on the sidelines, made up and ready to go from 9:00am. But that I find hard to swallow. Greer is too conscientious an actress to…

  • Gossip

    Gossip Friday: Who Knows the Score

    From November 1951: Clark Gable goes for girls who know the score. He likes ’em sophisticated and social: age or coloring makes no difference. In his time Clark has gone for females as far apart in looks and background as Metro stenographer Elaine White and socialite grandmother Dolly O’Brien. His first two wives were his age seniors. Carole Lombard was younger, but she always knew the answers. So does his present wife.  Sylvia seems to prattle about inconsequential subjects, but she is always amusing, always to the point, and I’ve never heard her say an unkind word about anyone. Clark likes easy-going women because he himself is a little obstinate.…

  • clark gable

    Gossip Friday: He’s Picky

    From January 1948: Clark Gable, I’ll have you know, is an angel who wears tweeds instead of wings and a devilish grin or scowl rather than any seraphic mien. He hates affectation. All of which is fair enough! He’s so completely unaffected himself. There’s not a grip who hangs from the rafters of a set who doesn’t yell “Hi!” the very instant he comes into view.  Ask Clark what makes a woman attractive and you’ll get his answer in one quick, incisive word. “Naturalness!” He might add, “Naturalness in appearance as well as manner. “For it’s the healthy outdoor looks he likes, including simple sport clothes. Many times he’s been…

  • clark gable leslie howard a free soul

    Gossip Friday: We All Make Mistakes

    2020 From October 1931: Mark Hellinger tells a good one. It seems that  a little over a year ago Leslie Howard was authoring and directing a play on Broadway and was muchly in need of a young man to play the love interest. A young man called at the theatre and asked for a job and the producer sent him to talk to Howard. Howard gave him a try-out and then reported to the producer that the young man he had picked up was utterly impossible in the role of the hero whom women adored. he just wasn’t the type. So, said young man was fired. Now it’s so happened…

  • clark gable kay williams

    Gossip Friday: Well, He Hasn’t Asked

    From December 1944: Clark Gable, though he still takes Kay Williams to parties, is having lots of dates for himself with different gals these evenings. But he’s seen mostly with Sally Wright, an attractive non-professional, who almost went to the altar with Bob Cobb, owner of the Brown Derby Restaurants, a few months ago. Kay Williams now announces she’s not going to marry Clark Gable because he hasn’t asked her, which is as good a reason as any. At a party the other day, Kay, whose divorce from the South American Macoco is final, announced a fortuneteller had told her she’d marry twice.  “Oh, then you on’t be marrying Mr.…

  • clark gable ann baxter homecoming
    Films,  Gossip,  Homecoming

    Gossip Friday: Don’t Worry, Fella

    From April 1947: At a preview showing of “Homecoming” in Glendale, Clark Gable, John Hodiak and Anne Baxter were all sitting together. During a love scene between Gable and Anne, a man behind them whispered to his wife: “Gee, Hodiak just sits there and watches Gable make love to his wife.” Hodiak turned around and whispered back, “Don’t worry, fella. I kissed Anne when we got home. And Gable wasn’t there to watch me.”

  • Gossip

    Gossip Friday: Clark Gable Sat Here!

    From 1952: Arthur B. Goode and his American Art Galleries auctioned off the personal possessions of Lady Sylvia Ashley. So help us–one curious customer who bought a chair loudly exclaimed: “I’m going to put this in my living room and pin a sign on it that says–Clark Gable sat here!”

  • Articles

    {New Article} 1931: Tongue in His Cheek

    So. The world shut down for months and of course, I, like everyone else, thought of all the time I would finally have to do things. I will finally type the stack of twenty-five articles on my desk! They will finally be done! Well, here we are three months later and they have not been touched. BUT I painted the hall closet and organized the pantry. More important than typing articles? Probably not but now the Honey Nut Cheerios have their own airtight container. Honey Nut Cheerios aside, here is a 1931 Clark Gable article that is run-of-the-mill for that period, but hey, I typed it! Ramon Navarro says: “I…

  • clark gable ria franklin

    Gossip Friday: Theme Song?

    From August 1932: Professor, please strike up “Falling in Love Again!” It’s the Clark Gable theme song! About a week after the missus got back from New York and the Gables decided to let bygones be gone-byes, they tooled off on a second honeymoon. Away to sun-kissed Del Monte for a month, there to golf, fish and ride horsies. No parties–no social fuss. Just Clark and the madame getting together again. And also it gives “What a Man” a chance to recuperate from a bad case of flu which smacked him down not long ago.

  • Gossip

    Gossip Friday: Lost and Not Found

    From February 1938: Clark Gable has kept in constant touch with the police department of Los Angeles, by the way, ever since his pet pearl-handled revolver was stolen by a prowler. He’d never fired the thing but felt it brought him good luck on his hunting trips. Now, whenever a batch of weapons is brought in to the local sergeant’s desk, Clark goes down and looks it over. It’s a slim hope but he still thinks he may find his missing gun among the captured arsenals.