• Gossip

    Gossip Friday: Happy Birthday, Myrna Loy! From Kingfish

    Today marks the 108th birthday of one of Clark Gable’s dear friends and frequent co-stars, Myrna Loy. Their friendship was sweet and yes, platonic. At their first meeting at a party in 1933, they danced to “Dancing in the Dark.” She said later in her life that every time she heard that song she thought of him. He made a pass on her that night when he walked her to her front door. She was flabbergasted that he would try anything when his wife (Ria) was in the car at the curb a few feet away and so she pushed him off the porch into the bushes. Clark turned out to…

  • Anniversary

    Happy Birthday, Mr. Gable!

      If Clark Gable were alive today, he would be 112 years old. Notorious for his humbleness, I have no doubt that he would be shocked that anyone remembers him in 2013. In honor of Clark’s birthday, here are a collection of quotes from people who knew him, as an appreciation: “What a man, what a man! He razzes me every minute in hopes of getting my goat—and sometimes he does. In a big hot love scene the other day, he whispered, ‘Jean, you’ve got your eyebrows on upside down.’ So I said I could hardly wait for him to grow old and gray as I was just crazy about Gray…

  • Anniversary

    Happy Birthday, Carole Lombard

    Carole Lombard, actress, patriot, everyone’s friend and Clark Gable’s third wife, among other things, would be 104 if she was alive today. Not impossible, but improbable. What did seem improbable was that such a sweet and beautiful soul could be taken from the earth at the age of 33.  I think often of a famous quote by Clark: “That’s the funny thing about life. The tough ones don’t make it.” I don’t think Carole would have done too many things differently if someone had told her she would only live to be 33. I think perhaps having a child was the only big thing left on her bucket list; she…

  • Gossip

    Gossip Friday: Happy Birthday, Fieldsie

    From July 1937: Screwiest birthday cake in Hollywood was the one at the birthday party of Carole Lombard’s pal-secretary-companion “Fieldsie.” “Fieldsie,” who used to work with Carole when both were Mack Sennett bathing beauties, and who has been inseparable from Carole ever since, was presented with the cake by Bob Cobb, owner of the Brown Derby, and Gail Patrick’s husband. Bob’s cake consisted entirely of hamburgers and hot dogs, with a “frosting” of mustard! The little decorations around the side were pickles. Most hilarious guests at the party were, of course, Carole and Clark Gable.

  • Anniversary

    Happy Birthday, Dear Mr. Gable!

    Today is Clark’s 111th birthday. I suppose it is slightly feasible that he could still be alive today…but not very likely! Knowing him and his modest ways, I am sure he would be shocked that anyone in the year 2012 remembers him and his movies. But we all do! Here’s what Clark was doing every 11 years on his birthday: 1912: Living in a house his father built on Mill Street in Hopedale, Ohio, young Clark was in the fifth grade, playing the horn in the school band and thriving under the attention of his beloved stepmother, Jennie Dunlap. 1923: Clark (or as he was called then, “Billy”) was working at…

  • Anniversary

    Happy 110th Birthday, Mr. Gable

      (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KGOUvzPzhkk) I am asked often, “Why Clark Gable? Why a site for him?”  First of all, Clark is an excellent place to start if one wants to get into classic films. He is where my love for classic films began. After being awestruck by “Gone with the Wind”, I saw his Oscar-winning performance in “It Happened One Night”, which introduced me to the lovely Claudette Colbert and to investigate more Frank Capra films, and so on. From Clark’s films alone one can be introduced to Joan Crawford, Vivien Leigh, Ava Gardner, Jeanette MacDonald, Marion Davies, Helen Hayes, Grace Kelly, Sidney Poitier, Spencer Tracy, Marilyn Monroe, Jean Harlow, Myrna Loy,…

  • Gossip

    “Happy Birthday Dear Ma…”

    Today is Carole Lombard’s 102nd birthday! To celebrate,  here’s an interesting item printed in January 1941: When bigger and better pranks are played in Hollywood, you can be sure of one thing–Gable and Lombard will play ’em. When Lombard’s birthday rolled around, Gable had made an enormous cake carefully iced on top–“To Ma–on her 75th Birthday”. When Carole cut the cake, imagine her surprise to hear coming from the cake’s innards a conversation between Clark and a friend. “Now Clark, the gag is for you to sing ‘Happy Birthday’ to Carole.” “What? Me sing? Nothing doing,” said Gable’s voice. “Next thing you know the studio will have me in singing films.”…

  • Anniversary

    Happy Birthday, Mr. Gable

    Today is Clark’s 109th birthday! To celebrate, this month will be chock full of new stuff–pictures, radio shows, video clips, articles and sections. To begin with, there are a lot of new pictures in the gallery. The film pages have been given a facelift, featuring new pictures and many now have clips and trailers. Film pages have been added for Laughing Sinners, Hell Divers, Chained, Cain and Mabel and Comrade X. I’m also adding my own review of each picture. I’d like to add reviews from Gable fans as well. If you would like to submit a review for a Gable film (brief, and also rate it 1 to 5 stars), email it to me…

  • Updates

    Happy Birthday, Carole Lombard

    Today is the 101st anniversary of the birth of Carole Lombard, Clark’s third wife and the light of his life.  Happy Birthday to Clark’s little screwball! To celebrate, I’ve added a page for Carole in the Wives section. Many thanks for all the help I received on it! And the TV Listings have been updated through January so check that out–lots of great Gable movies in the coming months.

  • clark gable

    2023 in Review

    Happy New Year! 2023 was a very challenging year for this website, and nothing I wanted to accomplish got done. This is because for several months, the site was hijacked by hackers which turned it into a Russian gambling site. I spent countless hours and ridiculous amounts of money to get it back online. Why on earth it seemed a lucrative idea to hijack a Clark Gable website and have it redirected to Russian gambling I will never know. It was such a frustrating process I came very close to just throwing in the towel, quite frankly. The good news is is that everything is back and in order with…