clark gable

2023 in Review

Happy New Year!

2023 was a very challenging year for this website, and nothing I wanted to accomplish got done. This is because for several months, the site was hijacked by hackers which turned it into a Russian gambling site. I spent countless hours and ridiculous amounts of money to get it back online. Why on earth it seemed a lucrative idea to hijack a Clark Gable website and have it redirected to Russian gambling I will never know. It was such a frustrating process I came very close to just throwing in the towel, quite frankly. The good news is is that everything is back and in order with a promise that my website is now protected from such a threat (we’ll see). So there was not much in the way of new content last year, but hey at least I didn’t lose the whole website, so there is that to be thankful for!

What was new:

Plenty of Gossip Fridays

Celebrating Clark Gable’s 122nd birthday

Celebrating Clark and Carole Lombard’s 84th wedding anniversary with an interview with Carole on the set of her final film

Saluting veterans on Veterans Day with Clark and a few of the other Hollywood notables who joined the fight in World War II.

Remembering Clark Gable on the 63rd anniversary of his passing, an article containing interviews with Marilyn Monroe and Clark’s first wife Josephine Dillon

I already have new things lined up for the coming weeks, so stay tuned. And for those of you who messaged me, worried about the website, thank you for your support! turns 15 this year!!!

One Comment

  • Atsuko I.

    Dear Admin

    Very sorry for my belated greetings as I come here to read when I have plenty of time.
    I felt really empty while the site was having problems. Therefore, I was so glad that it got back as it is now (not lose anything).
    Thank you VERY MUCH for your time, energy, passion and many many more towards Clark Gable! Here is the best source of him.


    PS Will catch up with the new things…

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