
Gossip Friday: Protect Yourself


From March 1940:

Snicker of the Month came the day Joan Crawford, heading back for an afternoon’s work after lunch on Strange Cargo, knocked at Clark Gable’s dressing room, with a bunch of green onions in her hand. As Clark poked his head out,s he handed him the onions with: “You’d better eat these, Clark, before that love scene we’re going to play. Because I ate some for lunch, and you may as well protect yourself.” Without an eyelash batting, Clark came back with: “Thanks, Joan, but never mind. I just had some garlic for lunch myself!”


New this week:

Film page for It Started in Naples–64 down, 2 to go!

Screen shots from It Started in Naples in the gallery as well.

And just last night I added a few screen shots from the film “Two Girls and a Sailor” (1944). Why on earth, you ask? Well that would be because Miss Kathleen Williams, aka Mrs. Gable No. 5, appears in a scene towards the end as an extra! I was sitting there, half-watching this rather mediocre June Allyson musical and suddenly there she was! I squinted at the TV…”Is that Kay? It is! It is Kay!” And a IMDB check confirmed it! So log into the gallery and check out a young and gorgeous Kay!

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