clark gable carole lombard

Gossip Friday: No Copy is Good Copy

clark gable carole lombard

From November 1937:

There are no more natural people in Hollywood than Clark Gable and Carole Lombard. And of all the people in Hollywood a reporter would expect to be good sports and talk a little about their rom–pardon–their friendship, it would be Clark and Carole.

But they won’t. Few people know why, but if they’d ask Carole they’d find out.

Shortly after they began appearing together a fan magazine story involving the two was published. The writer had obviously referred to a dated joke book. According to Carole, the “smart sayings”  which were put into her mouth and Clark’s were covered in cobwebs. The story also said, right out in plain sight, that she called him “tootsie darling,” and he called her “puddle duck.”

Well, Carole and Clark both ran for a shot of biocarbonate. They decided right then and there that as far as their friendship was concerned, no copy was good copy.

One Comment

  • Dan

    Well yes, I can imagine that terms like those being bandied about in the media would be cringeworthy for both Gable and Lombard lol- I can’t imagine them using them, especially Clark 🙂

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