clark gable sylvia ashley

Gossip Friday: Wants Not a Cent

clark gable sylvia ashley

From July 1951: 

Clark Gable, who plonked out $350,000 to get his freedom from Ria Gable, can relax. Sylvia wants not a cent from him—nor any part of his property. She sent word to me from Honolulu where she had fled after the bitterness of their parting. “Why should I ask for part of his 20-acre ranch in Encino when I own 4,000 acres in Del Mar?” Sylvia asked. 

Although Clark remains as mum as an oyster, he told a mutual friend that he has never spent as much money in his life as he did during the year-and-a-half he was married to the former Lady Ashley. He says he built a studio and made all sorts of improvements on the ranch at her insistence, plus redecorating the whole house. As for clothes—well, Sylvia is a gal who likes to dress. 

Maybe Clark has been a bachelor too long to get used to paying a lady’s bills—especially when the lady has a million dollars of her own.  

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