
Gossip Friday: Many Faults

carole lombard

From January 1937:

Carole [Lombard], her best friends will gladly tell you, has many faults. It seems that she simply will not close drawers. Dresser drawers, dressing table drawers, bathroom cabinet drawers, they are all hanging out at a rakish angle when Carole leaves for the studio. As far as Fieldsy [sic] has been able to figure out this caused by the fact that Mrs. Peters used to spank Carole for slamming drawers and doors when she was a child, and now the reaction has set in.

Another of Carole’s bad habits is to bite off the edges of stationary while she is thinking what to write in a letter. (Probably a thumb-sucker when a baby). She always writes with green ink, and her spelling is something to lift an eyebrow over. Her most annoying little trick, though,is to change her handwriting when she is signing checks, and the bank clerks used to go stark staring mad trying to figure out which was Carole’s signature and which was a forgery. They finally hit upon the simple plan of forcing her to put a distinguishing mark on all her checks.

If you ever want to torture Miss Lombard, though I don’t see why you should, just stand hear her when she is under a hair dryer and carry on a conversation with someone. As a matter of fact you don’t have to walk, just move your lips, and laugh occasionally. Carole will stand it as long as she can and then, dying with curiosity, she will pop her head out from under the roaring dryer and demand: “What did you say?” She has just a little more than her normal share of curiosity. Don’t try to keep any secrets from her–she’ll get them out of you but by bit.

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