
Gossip Friday: Clark pulls one on Joan


Here’s this week’s gossip blurb from March 1937:

We nominate for the best gag-puller in the town of Hollywood–Mr. Clark Gable! The story told us recently by Joan Crawford wins him the award in nothing flat.

It’s a well known fact that Crawford is hipped on the subject of music on the set. Bennett, the chauffeur, spends half his time putting on and taking off records for Joan between scenes. In her collection of victrola records are some of the finest symphonies and operas.

One day, during a recent picture together, Clark walked over to Joan’s Victrola, lifted high the pile of records and screaming, “I’m damned sick and tired of this music,” threw them on the floor.

There was one sickening crash as the records broke into a thousand pieces.

Pain, horror, amazement spread over Joan’s face as her hand flew to her forehead. “Oh, Clark,” was all she could moan while the cast stood about in silence.

Loud, raucous, roaring laughter broke from Clark’s lips. And then Joan caught on. He had simply substituted a pile of old discarded records of his own for Joan’s costly ones.

“And all day long,” Joan said, “every time he looked at me and remembered the expression on my face, he roared with laughter. If I live to be ninety I’m afraid I can never top that one.” Joan laughed.

One can only imagine the look on Joan’s face!

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