
Gossip Friday: Elusive Garbo

Since today is the anniversary of the birth of Clark’s Susan Lenox costar, Greta Garbo, here’s some gossip about her from November 1939:


Our demon photographer, Hyman Fink, is still recovering from the joyful shock of getting the camera scoop of the year pictured here. It came about, as such surprises usually do, at the most unexpected time, in the most unexpected place. The stylist, Irene, gave a fall fashion show at Bullock’s-Wilshire in Los Angeles, which Hymie attended in line of duty. Things were going along very calmly and uneventfully until the last number went on. Then, suddenly, from a tiny dressing room behind the main salon, emerged three men followed by a woman in slacks with a big hat on her head who, in Hymie’s own words, “looked like a New York White Wing gone Hollywood.” As they headed for the exit, past Hymie, the thought flashed through his mind–Garbo! He grabbed his camera, sprinted like a greyhound for the front entrance, and snapped her as she whizzed by at record-breaking clip. In spite of the fact that his camera was set a twelve feet, he succeeded in getting a recognizable print of the elusive, camera-shy Garbo from a twenty foot distance, and, we think, is entitled to some sort of special Academy Award for the feat.

Some afterchecking revealed the fact that one of Garbo’s escorts on the eventful day was Doctor Gaylord Hauser, eminent diet expert, who is currently helping Hollywood’s mystery woman to gain health and happiness. garbo’s surprising interest in the latest modes would indicate that perhaps the love bug has bitten hard.

New stuff around here this week:

Two new articles–one about the casting of Gone with the Wind and another about Clark’s relationship with Paulette Goddard.

Also a film page has been added for Run Silent Run Deep.

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