
Gossip Friday: A Fan’s Apology


Letter to the editor of Photoplay Magazine, November 1939:

I’m one of those individuals who seldom sees good in things enjoyed and persons admired by other people.  Our American screen actors, I felt, were mostly hams who could do little better than smirk into a camera, and marry and divorce every few weeks.

Clark Gable, in particular, roused my ire and resentment. This prominent-eared individual, as I liked to term him, was only a trumped-up bag of wind, in my estimation. But, against my will, as I see more and more of his pictures and read of his activities, he is forcing me to admit that he is a genuine actor and a real man. His capture of a thief in his home was the climax. I apologize for my former slurring thoughts.

Joseph Pheiffer  Des Moines, IA

A Gable convert! The “capture of a thief in his home” incident is detailed on this website in the Article section…see Gable’s Battle with Prowler Just Funny Incident to Carole.

New this week: a film page for Strange Cargo

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