ria franklin gable

Gossip Friday: Awaiting Divorce

ria franklin gable

From January 1939:

Reno, Nevada–Knitting needles, walking shoes and a pile of books amused Mrs. Maria Gable today as she awaited the time six weeks hence when she can divorce film star Clark Gable on the mildest grounds possible in Nevada–extreme mental cruelty.

The amiable society woman; who came here Saturday and leased the seven-room home of her bachelor attorney, Frank J. McNamee Jr., said, “I am perfectly contented. I plan to live quietly, doing a lot of reading I’ve wanted to do for a long time, knit, take some walks and make a few trips around.”

Gable, Hollywood friends say, will wed Comedienne Carole Lombard as soon as he is free.


Divorce was granted on March 8; Gable and Lombard were married March 29.

One Comment

  • Dan

    Why does this picture remind me of Margaret Hamilton? I hope she had the life she wanted after the divorce. She sure got a chunk of change out of Clark to add to her fortune 🙂

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