clark gable kay williams

Gossip Friday: Wrapped Them Himself

From November 1944 (Louella Parsons):

It’s been a month of parties, parties, parties!

The little Queen of the Ice, Sonja Henie, certainly looked the part at the big affair she gave at her house….I had the time of my life doing rumba after rumba with Clark Gable!

Between numbers–Clark and I sat at one of the bright little tables and had a long talk.

Gable has been going to all the parties–perhaps because he wants to forget all that he saw overseas. It is certainly something new for him because he isn’t a party man and enjoys far more being with a crowd of his pals and hunting and fishing.

Kay Williams, his favorite girl, and I also let down our hair. “These big parties are grand, Louella,” Kay told me, “but the birthday celebration that touched me most was the dinner party for just the two if us that Clark had for me last night.

“It was at his home in the Valley, and at my place he had a cake with eighteen candles–which were sheer flattery,” she laughed, “and my presents. He gave me a beautiful watch and an Alligator bag, and he had wrapped them himself!”


  • Dan

    Clark at this time in his life was keeping as busy as he could and being around people kept him from having to be still to think of everything he’d been through in the previous few years. The most difficult period of his life.

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