clark gable ria franklin

Gossip Friday: Theme Song?

clark gable ria franklin

From August 1932:

Professor, please strike up “Falling in Love Again!”

It’s the Clark Gable theme song!

About a week after the missus got back from New York and the Gables decided to let bygones be gone-byes, they tooled off on a second honeymoon. Away to sun-kissed Del Monte for a month, there to golf, fish and ride horsies. No parties–no social fuss. Just Clark and the madame getting together again.

And also it gives “What a Man” a chance to recuperate from a bad case of flu which smacked him down not long ago.

One Comment

  • Dan

    This photo is so painful to look at lol. He is exquisite and she looks like his spinster great aunt here. What a match that was and even though I know Clark used her and that was wrong, she used him right back so it kind of cancels everything out as far as I’m concerned 🙂

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