clark gable

Gossip Friday: No Photos Please

clark gable

From September 1949:

Hyman Fink, longtime Photoplay magazine photographer: “Many a sleepless night I’ve spent scheming up ways to grab a Clark Gable exclusive. Clark has a neat way of stalling. Whenever a cameraman wants a picture of him, he takes away their camera and starts shooting them. Once, on the set of one of his films, he had me posing all over the place. I’ve a sneaking suspicion that Gable has more pictures of Fink than Fink has of Gable. Clark also had a ban about pictures being taken of his home. But I managed to fool him with a telescopic lens. I climbed the hill behind his house and waited hours for him to come out for a breath of fresh air. The negative didn’t suffer from over-exposure, but I did.” 



  • Dan

    Now THAT is a nice photo! Having said that, It drives me crazy when celebrities are tracked down at their homes and their privacy breached in such a horrible way. I’m surprised Clark gave this guy the time of day for this reason. Thanks for the info! 🙂

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