carole lombard sheepdog

Gossip Friday: In the Dog House

carole lombard sheepdog

From March 1938:

The latest prank played by Carole Lombard on Clark Gable concerns the monstrous sheep dog Clark gave her as a gift. While Clark was in San Diego on location, Carole had a dog house built for her pet and proudly led Gable out to see it when he returned. One look, and Clark almost swooned, for at the windows of the dog house were cream-colored Venetian blinds with organdy drapes. A dotted-swiss draped dressing table set with dainty bottles of flea powder and dog brushes stood in one corner. Taffeta cushions were scattered about while the dog, tied up with pink bows, reclined on a blue rug. Speechless for one whole minute, Clark at last let out a howl of laughter. Now the gagged-up dog house has gone to the neighbor’s children for a playhouse. Mr. Sheep Dog is sleeping—under Carole’s house.


Am I the only one who thinks they should’ve let the dog keep the house instead of sleeping outside…

Mr. Sheep Dog’s name was Beau Brummell.

One Comment

  • Dan

    I would have let the dog keep the house lol 🙂 Go I love this woman without ever having met her. I feel a pang every time I think of the hole her absence would have left in Clark’s life after her death because she was so larger than life. The ranch in the months after she died for Clark and the servants would have felt like an oppressive tomb 🙁

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