
Gossip Friday: The Turkey Star

clark gable

From August 1931:

The hunt for male stars–always a desperate one in Hollywood, is on with added fervor this season. if rival producers do not find a male star with sufficient sex appeal to offset the charms of Clark Gable, one studio will have captured the best bet since Valentino and the box office record of that lot will soar.

From present indications Clark Gable is the man of the moment. I haven’t heard any of the masculine element tearing their heats out over him–but how the women do talk! A local wit has named him the “Turkey” star–because the women go Gable-Gable-Gable all day. A still more potent indication of his irresistible charm is the fact that women stars of Hollywood have the Gable fad to the Nth degree–luncheons with famous names aplenty echoing to the sort of praises which come under the name of “fan fury” in other parts of the country.

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