
Meet Me in St. Louis…


Well, Friday I am boarding a plane and heading to St. Louis for the Gone with the Wind “Gateway to the Wind” event! 


The itinerary is as follows:

 Friday, November 5
2:30 p.m. “Antebellum Plantation Life; Perception vs. Reality”- White Haven
Ulysses S. Grant National Historical Site 7400 Grant Rd. St. Louis, MO – Learn all about GWTW author Margaret Mitchell’s Civil War relatives and how their
lives inspired her to write “Gone With The Wind”
5:30 p.m. Cocktail Reception At Drury Inn For Those Staying At The Drury
7 p.m. “Blog With The Wind”- Drury Inn Forest Park. Find out about the
social media out there.
8 p.m. “Fiddle-Dee-Dee Follies” – Drury Inn Forest Park Ballroom- Can pay
at the door or by contacting www.brownpapertickets.com

Saturday, November 6
9:30-11:30a.m. “Market Bazaar”- Drury Inn Forest Park. Actors Autograph
9:30-12 p.m. Yakovetic Art Exhibit- Drury Inn Ballroom. See copies of art
commissioned by Warner Brothers commemorating GWTW.
9:30-12 p.m. GWTW Memorabilia collection of Novella Perrin, PhD. – Drury Inn,
Jewel Room
Noon “Margaret Mitchell & Vivien Leigh Birthday Celebration”- Drury Inn
Ballroom. Hear speakers, including three people who were in the Gone With The
Wind. Watch audio visual presentation from a GWTW expert and hear about a
memorabilia collectiom.
6:30 p.m. “Gateway To The Wind Charity Ball” Benefits Rainbows For Kids

Sunday, November 7
11:30 a.m. “Meet The Speakers Reception”- Saint Louis University Cook Hall.
3674 Lindell Blvd.
12 p.m. “The Hollywood Connection”- and Documentary: “The Making Of A
Masterpiece” Cook Hall

Should be a fun weekend! I’ll be helping out Mickey Kuhn at the autograph
session on Saturday and I believe I’m part of the panel in the “Blog with the
Wind” session on Friday night.
So if you’re coming too, come up and say hello! I am excited to see the Windies
I met last year in Marietta and meet new ones!
For more info, visit www.gwtwbook.com


  • rkiry

    I will be at this event. My students are working and supporting hte Novella Perrin exhibit. I told Sally Tippett Rains about your website. I am looking forwrd to meeting you. We’ll be in the Jewel room at the Drury Inn on Saturday morning from 9:30-11:3o. Please stop by so we can meet!

  • rkiry

    Just noticed ny bad typing from before. Sorry. Sally and I were working at the hotel tonight getting things ready…Windies have already checked in. Much excitement already! I told Sally about your post and she’s SO happy. I look forward to meeting you! Rita

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