
{75th Anniversary of Carole Lombard’s Death} January 23, 1942

clark gable carole lombard elizabeth peters plane crash

Now that Carole had been properly laid to rest, the focused shifted to the grieving widower.

Gable To Seek Solace in Work

Clark Gable, turned from a swashbuckling, carefree prankster into a depressed, grief-stricken recluse by the tragic death of Carole Lombard, will seek solace in work.

The fun-loving screen star was so anguished by loss of his wife that he wanted only to be alone. Shielded by studio executives, Gable has been so alone that friends became alarmed at his depressed brooding.

Gable hasn’t yet gone to his Encino ranch where he and Carole lived so fully and joyously. He’s in seclusion at a friend’s home. He has left it only twice since he brought Miss Lombard’s body home Wednesday morning–to attend funeral services for her and her mother, Mrs. Elizabeth K. Peters, that afternoon, and services for his friend and publicity man, Otto Winkler, yesterday.

He was waiting at the nearby Burbank airport to greet Carole Friday night when he received word of the crash which killed her, Mrs. Peters, Winkler and 19 other persons near Las Vegas, Nev. He flew to Las Vegas, was dissuaded from joining in the search for the bodies–then went into seclusion.

Friends argued that he should plunge into work.

“You’ve got to find something to occupy your time; something to do with your mind besides brood,” they told him.

Gable agreed to go ahead with the picture on which he had done one day’s work–“Somewhere I’ll Find You.” He didn’t set the date and the studio didn’t ask him to.

“We will wait until Gable feels he is mentally and physically able,” a spokesman said. “He has gone through a horrible ordeal.”

There’s not a parallel case of any star losing an equally famous wife or husband so tragically and soon going back to the lots.

Norma Shearer went into seclusion for a year after her producer husband, Irving Thalberg, died. She had threatened to retire.

Mary Astor was out of pictures several months after her husband, Director Kenneth Hawks, was killed in an airplane crash over the Pacific while filming a picture.

William Powell interrupted a picture to seek solace on a yacht cruise after his fiance, Jean Harlow, died in 1937. Five weeks later, he collapsed on the set. A physician said he was exhausted and overwrought with grief. Powell and the platinum blonde had been inseparable.

So had Gable and Miss Lombard.

Since the bodies had been removed, an investigation into the crash began.

Lombard Air Crash Probe Is Launched

Investigation into the crash of a TWA airliner in Nevada which brought fiery death to 22 persons, including Actress Carole Lombard and 15 army airmen, centered in Los Angeles today as the Civil Aeronautics Authority opened a hearing expected to last two weeks.

Witnesses to be called before the investigating committee include TWA officials, Nevada residents who witnessed the crash, representatives of the Las Vegas coroner’s office and army officers.

I’m going to end the series here, as after the 23rd the focus turns to investigating the plane crash and figuring out what’s next for a suddenly alone Clark Gable.

Hard to believe the world lost Carole 75 years ago, isn’t it? Rest in peace, angel.

carole lombard


  • Coco B

    Rest In Peace Carole. You and Clark will be together for eternity.

    Carole set the standard for many things and her example can be followed still she is not a bad role model.

    Carole was also the first woman killed in service during World War II.

    Thank you for your service and for bringing out the best in Clark.

  • Linda Duarte

    It’s so true that she brought out the best in Clark. They said that with Carole, he was able to play for the first time in his life. He completely trusted her; he rarely trusted anyone.
    You can see the before Carole and after Carole in his movies; he was never the same. His sense of fun and playfulness was gone; he was angry and adrift.
    I’m glad he found Kay towards the end of his life; he found joy and comfort with her and from all accounts she was a very special person. Maybe not the dynamic energized dynamo that Carole was, but a calming, lovely and truly good companion for him as a mature person.

  • Terri Miler

    they were a cute couple. It’s ashame that she had to die so young. If her soul was right with GOd she’s in Heaven with God. now that Mr Gable is gone also I hope his soul was right also, I have always liked Clark Gable especially in Gone with the Wind. I saw that about 14 times.

  • Eric D. davis

    What a wonderful Person carole lombard was, I dont think Clark gable Apreciated her What A Looker She was Lana turner Was not Eny thing Like Carole

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