clark gable carole lombard

Gossip Friday: Number One Guest

clark gable carole lombard

From July 31, 1938:

Clark Gable is the nation’s Number One guest. Name any kind of a beauty contest, rodeo, festival, benefit or fraternal clam bake and the chances are 10 to 1 Gable has been invited to attend it. Ten percent of the Gable fan mail consists of invitations–conventions, personal appearances, cornerstone layings, graduation ceremonies, banquets and purely social events. It runs a close second to the 12 percent who won’t believe he prefers Carole Lombard to them–and daintily offer their hand and heart in marriage.

One Comment

  • Karen Hannsberry

    I’d love to know if Gable ever took anyone up on their invitations to be a guest — how fun would that have been!

    Also, the CMBA is still trying to contact you to get your correct email address. If you see this, please reach out to us at to provide us with the email address where you can be reached. Thanks so much!

    Karen Hannsberry
    Chairperson, CMBA Board of Governors

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