• Gossip

    Gossip Friday: Burned Up

    From October 1941: Carole Lombard was “burned up” today over radio movie gossip reports that 1. She was critically ill, And 2. That she was going to get a divorce from her husband, Clark Gable.  She was perfectly well, said Miss Lombard, and neither she nor Mr. Gable had any intention of getting a divorce. They had just returned from a hunting trip to South Dakota. “We heard these reports on the radio of the car coming home,” said Miss Lombard. “But it was when we arrived and the calls began coming in that we got really angry.”

  • Gossip

    Gossip Friday: Work Together

    From November 1941: Carole Lombard is a girl who keeps her promises. When she and Clark Gable were married she said that she would never make a film while Gable was on vacation–since she wanted to travel and hunt with him. Recently she was signed to star in the Lubitsch-directed film, “To Be or Not To Be.” But Gable is still on vacation–so she starts to work the day he starts work in his new film, “Somewhere I’ll Find You.”

  • Anniversary

    We’re 8! (and Back in Business…)

    Hello everyone! Today, July 1, marks the eighth anniversary of the site! Shocking to me, I can’t believe it’s been that long. I apologize to all fans for the lack of updates so far this year. I have not given up on my commitment to this site. Some serious personal things came up and sometimes in life you have to make priorities and as much as it pained me, I had to step back from the site for a bit. I have never been one to do anything, pardon the term, “half-assed” and so I thought stepping back was better than stressing myself out trying to maintain the site when…

  • Gossip

    Gossip Friday: Still Not Expecting

    From June 1941: There have also been reports that C. Gable and Carole Lombard are expecting. The forthright Carole says, “I’m sorry it isn’t true. And when it is I’ll be the first to know about it and I’ll be the first to tell about it.”

  • Gossip

    Gossip Friday: The Gift of Blueprints

    From February 1937: Carole Lombard’s birthday present to Clark Gable was an automobile trailer to carry his saddle horse. Being practical, Carole sent the blueprints first for Clark to okay. The trailer will be constructed along deluxe lines and will hook onto the back of the star’s new station wagon.

  • Gossip

    Gossip Friday: Mystery Cake

    From March 1938: Clark Gable celebrated a birthday on February 2. He still wants to know who presented him with a birthday cake inscribed, “Long Live the King.” He was recently declared “King of the Movies” in a national poll. He thinks the cake was sent by Spencer Tracy. Carole Lombard presented him with furniture for his new ranch house and many books. Clothes designers of America have announced that Clark is the best-dressed man in movies. Clark has thanked them for the honor, but declares that he does not want to be known as a clothes dummy. “I wear good clothes because pictures demand them,” he said, “but off-screen…

  • Anniversary

    Happy Birthday, Clark Gable

    Clark Gable would be a spritely 116 years old if he was alive today. Born in a simple duplex on a snowy morning in Cadiz, Ohio, it is hard to imagine that the dark haired boy would one day be the King of Hollywood. William “Bill” Gable and his new wife Adeline “Addie” Hershelman Gable left their home in  their native Meadville, Pennsylvania and traveled by train to Cadiz in early 1900. Cadiz at that time was quickly drawing new residents because of a new oil field erected there. Bill Gable always went where the oil was, and so on to Cadiz it was. Booming with oilmen, rental space was…

  • Anniversary

    {75th Anniversary of Carole Lombard’s Death} January 23, 1942

    Now that Carole had been properly laid to rest, the focused shifted to the grieving widower. Gable To Seek Solace in Work Clark Gable, turned from a swashbuckling, carefree prankster into a depressed, grief-stricken recluse by the tragic death of Carole Lombard, will seek solace in work. The fun-loving screen star was so anguished by loss of his wife that he wanted only to be alone. Shielded by studio executives, Gable has been so alone that friends became alarmed at his depressed brooding. Gable hasn’t yet gone to his Encino ranch where he and Carole lived so fully and joyously. He’s in seclusion at a friend’s home. He has left…

  • Anniversary

    {75th Anniversary of Carole Lombard’s Death} January 22, 1942

    The morning of January 22 brought details from Carole and her mother’s brief funeral, held the day before. Simple Funeral Rites Held for Carole Lombard Actress is Buried With Other Movie Immortals in Memorial Park Carole Lombard was with the other movie immortals in Forest Lawn Memorial Park today. After a brief, simple service–in accordance with the wish expressed in her will–the bodies of Miss Lombard and her mother, Elizabeth K. Peters, were interred in the green acres where are buried Marie Dressler, Will Rogers, Jean Harlow, Douglas Fairbanks, Lon Chaney, Tom Mix and many another movie star. The sealed coffins of Miss Lombard and her mother, killed in last…

  • Anniversary,  News Clippings

    {75th Anniversary of Carole Lombard’s Death} January 21, 2016

    January 21 brought news of Carole’s funeral to be held later that day at Forest Lawn.   Carole Lombard Funeral at Forest Lawn Private funeral services, with only intimate friends present, were arranged for 4:00pm today, in the Church of the Recessional, Forest Lawn Memorial Park, Glendale, for screen star Carole Lombard and her mother, Mrs. Elizabeth K. Peters. The bodies, recovered from the Nevada mountain top where a commercial airliner carried 22 persons to their deaths last Friday night, were taken from a train at Pomona this morning and transported by hearse to the cemetery. Carole Lombard’s husband, Clark Gable, issued a statement, saying: “Miss Lombard and her mother,…