• Updates

    Birthday Month Updates Coming!

    It’s Clark Gable’s birthday month around here! Every year I fill the month of February with lots of new stuff and this year is no exception. I am inundated with articles so I figured it was the perfect opportunity to post them all. So all month long, look out for new articles from various stages of Clark’s life! I also will be  putting up pictures from every  one of Clark’s films om the site’s Facebook page, so “like” us if you haven’t already!  

  • Anniversary

    Happy Birthday, Clark Gable

    Clark Gable would be 114 if he was alive today. Last year, to celebrate his birthday, I complied 113 quotes that others said about Clark. So this year I gathered together 114 quotes from the man himself. So here’s what Clark had to say on a number of topics: 1. “What I want from life is what everyone wants—peace of mind, good health, a share of this world’s goods, friends—companionship. I’m not different from anyone else, for that’s what everyone wants.” (1948) 2. “Just don’t ask me for advice on staying married. I wouldn’t know the secret. I must have learned something about marriage since I went into it the first…

  • Gossip

    Gossip Friday: Stop the Gossip

    From February 1936: Clark Gable returned to town from another “duck hunt”—and there is a reason  for those quotes—and is dashing hither and yon in a very handsome new car. Mrs. Rhea Gable gave a very handsome dinner party on a recent evening, and one of the guests was a Mary Taylor. One of Clark’s late rumored romances was with some one of the same name, and that ought to stymie that. ____ Yeah, probably not.

  • Gossip

    Gossip Friday: Strange Accident

    From September 1934: There is no accounting for strange accidents. Take what happened to Clark Gable for example. Clark has hunted bears and lions in the most dangerous mountain-lands. He has enacted scores of hazardous stunts for movie cameras. Throughout these experiences, he has never been scathed. But recently, working on a sequence for his new film, an unexpected noise behind him caused Gable to jerk his head around quickly. The twist sprained the muscles of his neck and shoulder, and the pain of the contracted muscles was so great that Clark was rushed to a hospital.

  • Anniversary,  Articles

    Remembering Carole Lombard

    Carole Lombard Gable died 73 years ago today, at the young age of 33. Her sudden death in a plane crash shocked the nation, stunned Hollywood and devastated her husband. This article that was published a few months after Carole’s death,  appears in the Article Archive, What the Loss of Carole Lombard Means to Clark Gable:   Gable was working on that fateful afternoon of January 16, 1942. He felt wonderful about it. He’d had five months lay-off since the production of “Honky Tonk,” the longest vacation he’d experienced since his first real click in 1931. It was swell to be back and he liked the new picture. It was…

  • Gossip

    Gossip Friday: Leading the Field

    From June 1954: Clark Gable and Virginia Grey have resumed their long, long romance. If there is to be a fifth Mrs. Clark Gable this year, the Grey lass seems to be leading the field. There was quite a lot of excitement around when Clark Gable sent flowers to Virginia Grey when she was in the hospital as a result of an automobile accident. Virginia was one of his more serious romances, you know. But nothing happened except that Virginia got well, thank heaven, and Mr. G. went back to his Arizona ranch.

  • Photos

    Hollywood Hobbies

    This cartoon appeared in Screenland magazine in 1933:   John Barrymore Just as sure as not You’ll find John on his yacht Developing seaworthy legs. And spending his time, Without reason or rhyme, With his rarest collection of eggs.   Joan Crawford You cannot ignore, In this group of four, The personal hobby of Joan. She considers it play To model in clay And even to chisel in stone.   Norma Shearer If you can’t analyze The charm of her eyes Of the glamorous lure of her tresses– You, at least, should have known That Miss Shearer is prone To designing her very own dresses.   Clark Gable Here is…

  • Gossip

    Gossip Friday: Be Seeing You, Sugar!

    From November 1949: Paulette [Goddard], of course, has found her true love at last, or so she claims, in Clark Gable and this romance, which started with a  gag blind date, has flourished so that Paulette didn’t even want to leave for Mexico for a picture commitment. However, when Clark escorted her to the plane in that maroon Rolls Royce,she was loath to kiss him in front of the photographers.  All she did when she got to the top of the ramp, was turn to Clark and shout, “Be seeing you, Sugar!” and then disappeared into the plane.  

  • News

    2014 Year in Review

    I think every year I say that it was a busy year around the website, but this year it really was! This year marked the 75th anniversary of Gone with the Wind, and around here we celebrated with a GWTW item every Wednesday– Gone with the Wednesdays: Introducing Gone with the Wednesdays An English Girl as Scarlett? I Was Afraid of Rhett Butler! Photoplay Magazine Makes Their Choice For Rhett The Gift of Rhett Leslie Howard Speaks Scarlett Clark Gives the Latest News on Gone with the Wind Here’s Rhett–You Asked For Him! Is This Scarlett? Clark Gable Reflects Back on Rhett Butler Repost–A Different Ending for Gone with the…

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  • Gone with the Wednesday

    Gone with the Wednesday: That’s All Folks

    Today is our last Gone with the Wednesday! I’m a bit proud that there was a GWTW-related post once a week, every week for an entire year! I’ll have a recap of all the posts tomorrow in my annual “Year in Review” post. I am devoting this post to all you GWTW fans out there. The fact that this film has endured for 75 years is because of you! Thank you to all the Gable and GWTW fans who have egged me on and supported the site throughout the year!