• Gossip

    Gossip Friday: Hunting in the Homeland

    From November 1941: Clark Gable said to be hunting in Ohio. The state conservation division reported today that movie actor Clark Gable was hunting in Henry County. Division officials said Henry County officials, in reporting a shortage of hunting licenses, said that the movie star was one of thousands of out-of-state hunters who had applied for a license.

  • Articles

    {New Article} 1936: Gable Changed?

    In this 1936 article, a magazine writer who first met Clark Gable in 1931 goes back to interview him now that he’s had a string of hits and an Oscar. It is always hard for me to temper my enthusiasm in writing of Clark Gable. I happened to do the first interview with him and I may as well be frank and admit that it was done under protest. I had the average man’s prejudice against another man over whom women were raving. And I came away from that interview thoroughly sold on Clark. Women might go for him, but he was typically a man’s man. Several things about this ruggedly…

  • Gossip

    Gossip Friday: This Calls for a Rewrite

    From April 1938: Clark Gable knows now that it pays to be particular about his stories and so he has sent Too Hot to Handle back for a rewriting job. He and Metro Goldwyn Mayer had many a battle over Test Pilot and Clark held it up for eighteen weeks until he knew the story was right. The result is that Test Pilot is breaking records and and has been held over in Hollywood for another week–a thing that rarely happens at the Chinese. His objection, I hear, is that the newsreel cameraman, instead of being the hero we know him to be, is pictured as a faker whose exploits…

  • Gossip

    Gossip Friday: Quite the Chicken Rancher

    From March 1939: You’ve never heard of a more enthusiastic rancher than Clark Gable. He has bought 1200 chickens to go with the five that Andy Devine gave him as a gag birthday present, also some pheasant and a plow for the mule, Bessie, the gift of Carole Lombard.

  • Gossip

    Gossip Friday: Not For Sale

    From December 1941: The dilapidated automobile that Carole Lombard gave Clark Gable is “not for sale at any price,” Gable told salesmen and souvenir hunters. Specifically, he refused $1,000 for the ancient chariot. 

  • Gossip

    Gossip Friday: Stylin’

    From February 1938: Tailors of the nation cast a practiced eye over some of America’s celebrities Tuesday and measured up 10 men, including President Roosevelt, for sartorial honors. The President took top ranking among wearers of double-breasted dinner jackets.  Clark Gable, the actor, won for appearing best dressed in sports clothes. “Men and women both think so,” said the national conference of the merchant tailor designers association, meeting here with 600 delegates from all parts of the United States and Canada.   

  • Audio

    {Radio} The Chase and Sanborn Hour

    On July 1, this website turned 7 years old! I didn’t celebrate this milestone on the site since a much more important milestone occurred on that very day: Olivia de Havilland’s 100th birthday. When the site started seven years ago, it was completely hand-coded. I taught myself coding by buying some website software and a how-to book. As the years have gone on, the site has had many face-lifts and finally I went fully into WordPress, which is much easier to keep up with. Throughout all these changes, I’ve lost some content due to formatting issues–most of which is the audio. It’s a bit painstaking to edit the audio and…

  • Articles

    {New Article} 1932: Gable Denies Divorce Rumors

    This article from 1932 appeared in the same magazine and was by the same writer as last week’s article, appearing nearly a year later. Oh and what a difference a year makes! Just the year before, she was asking him what kind of woman he preferred. Not anymore! Now he is being painted as the perfect husband and family man. “The divorce rumors about Mrs. Gable and me are absurd!” says Clark Gable. “They are really funny. Hollywood can never break my marriage. I say that positively. It is impossible. I certainly have not changed, so far as my personal life is concerned. I still want the things that are…