• mary astor jean harlow clark gable

    Gossip Friday: Nothing to Remove

    From October 1933: You won’t be seeing Gable on the screen as frequently as in the past. Having had one breakdown, he’s determined not to have another and refuses to be overworked.  “I’ve had so many operations in the past few months I’m damned near afraid to look at myself for fear they’ve taken everything out,” he said. “I’m sure I can’t have any more operations because the doctors must have removed everything that was removable. I’m gaining weight and feeling much better now but it will be another three months before the doctor will let me golf or ride again.” ____ Clark didn’t have a “breakdown,” which at that…

  • clark gable army

    Salute to a Gallant Guy

    In honor of Veterans Day, here is a post that was in Movieland magazine in July 1943: Salute to a Gallant Guy Captain Clark Gable could have taken this war easy. He was beyond draft age, and even when he enlisted he was given the chance to start in as a Major. He went in as a mere boot and earned his wings. His ambition now is to be an aerial gunner and serve overseas. He is now on duty at an English base, but his personal wish is to get his personal quota–and a high one it is–of Japs. How’s for all the Gable fans making at least the…

  • clark gable deborah kerr the hucksters

    Gossip Friday: Grand Marshal

    From March 1947: While we were there [on the set of “Song of Love”], Clark Gable came over to pay his respects to Katharine [Hepburn]. He had just started shooting on “The Hucksters” with Deborah Kerr, Metro’s new English star. If you haven’t already seen Deborah in the English picture “Vacation from Marriage” you have a treat in store for you when “The Hucksters” is released. In person, she has the same charm that we’ve noted in so many of the English actresses who have come over to this country recently–warmth, sincerity, and poise. Deborah told me, when I went over to her set, that Clark has been most gracious…

  • clark gable carole lombard

    Gossip Friday: Away Down East?

    From July 1941: Gables to Live Away Down East Part of The Year Hollywood–Carole Lombard and Clark Gable have bought a farm in Connecticut and will live there in October, November and December of each year. Clark’s contract calls for three pictures between January and the end of September. But because of the lack of good material, Clark has not made more than two films a year on the new deal, but gets paid for three. ___ Well this is hogwash. They never bought a farm in Connecticut or anywhere close.  

  • clark gable carole lombard

    Gossip Friday: A Feminine Conspiracy

    From March 1941: One of the reasons, admittedly a minor one that Clark Gable and Carole Lombard get along so famously is that both see eye to eye on the matter of “dressing up” and putting on the airs. Farmer Gable goes for those rusty old trousers and sweaters in his real farm life as well as in the still pictures, and Carole, he says, will have no part in that general feminine conspiracy which aims at getting the male into white tie and tails at the slightest provocation.

  • clark gable carole lombard

    Gossip Friday: Quite a Distraction

    From February 1941: Clark Gable and Carole Lombard visited the Douglas airplane factory recently and were cordially taken on a thorough tour. Now an order has been issued that no more movie stars are to be shown around the vast plant. Workmen were so distracted by a gander at the Gables that the delicately balanced production routine was thrown out of whack for hours. 

  • clark gable carole lombard

    Gossip Friday: Cigar Squabble

    From November 1938: The pretty brunette who works the cash register at the Beverly Hills Brown Derby reports, “Clark Gable and Carole Lombard come in, usually arguing about the silliest things. The other night it was about what kind of cigar Clark should have as an after-dinner smoke.”

  • clark gable carole lombard

    Gossip Friday: Hoping to Baffle

    From November 1941: Hoping to baffle autograph hunters, Clark Gable and Carole Lombard gave out three destinations–all wrong–for their current hunting trip. Only star with a “hunting clause” in his contract, Gable is due back December 1 to do “Cimarron,” a remake of the pioneer story which revived Richard Dix and rocketed Irene Dunne to a feminine top spot. ____ That’s interesting. Clark never was in a remake of “Cimarron” and it was not remade until 1960!

  • clark gable deborah kerr the hucksters
    Gossip,  The Hucksters

    Gossip Friday: Nice to Meet You

    From 1948: Deborah Kerr: “It’s been told before, but I think it bears repeating–how I got to meet Clark Gable, with whom I starred in my first American picture, THE HUCKSTERS. I was introduced to him at the studio, but not by any of its officials; instead, by my own husband! Imagine Tony not ever telling me that he and Clark were old friends, having worked together when Clark was a member of the US Army Air Force in England! We were in Mr. Mayer’s office when Clark strode in. I took a quick breath and prepared to be my most charming self, but before anyone could say anything, Clark…

  • clark gable 1933

    Gossip Friday: Not Very Romantic

    From October 1933: The very romantic Clark Gable doesn’t like being the very romantic Clark Gable because he isn’t the very romantic Clark Gable. This business of being a great lover is exactly that to Gable–just business. It annoys him to have to look dark and romantic and be the object of worship from giddy women. “Do you find that a nuisance in some way?” I asked Gable. “In every way,” he retorted. “You just can’t have any private life or go anywhere without having to run the gauntlet. That’s all right for the guys who like it, but I don’t.” Gable prefers seclusion and Getting Away From It All.…