clark gable carole lombard

Gossip Friday: Hoping to Baffle

clark gable carole lombard

From November 1941:

Hoping to baffle autograph hunters, Clark Gable and Carole Lombard gave out three destinations–all wrong–for their current hunting trip. Only star with a “hunting clause” in his contract, Gable is due back December 1 to do “Cimarron,” a remake of the pioneer story which revived Richard Dix and rocketed Irene Dunne to a feminine top spot.


That’s interesting. Clark never was in a remake of “Cimarron” and it was not remade until 1960!

One Comment

  • Dan

    I’m glad they had that uninterrupted time together on the hunting trip given that it would be their last together before Carole’s death. I’m sure Clark relived those days for years after he lost her 🙁

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