• clark gable iris bynum

    Gossip Friday: Not Iris

    From June 1948 (Louella Parsons): I do NOT think Iris Bynum will be the next Mrs. Clark Gable, though heaven knows, no one ever knows what will happen in this town. Iris, like Linda Christian, is a flaming redhead. Several years ago, she was a great beauty knocking them for a loop when she showed up at night clubs on the arm of Tony Martin or Turhan Bey (that boy must have every telephone number in town). Iris is still attractive, but more subdued in her clothes and coiffures.  She has played supporting roles in MGM, Paramount and Warner Brothers movies but her career was never one-two-three with her dates.…

  • clark gable

    {New Article} 1956: The Great Gable

    This 1956 article, written by Joe Hyams, was serialized over several weeks in newspapers around the country.  It rehashes a lot of the same stuff any Gable fan has heard over and over, but there are some good nuggets, as it seems Joe did actually interview Clark, so it isn’t just a puff piece. During the years he was at MGM Gable was considered inaccessible. The studio built a wall around him. Would-be interviewers were told, “He’s impossible” or “Even if he does talk to you it will be about hunting and fishing and you can’t print that.” For this series Gable agreed to open up. He said, “It’s time…

  • clark gable ann sothern

    Gossip Friday: More Than a Passing Attraction

    From March 1949: Ann Sothern and Clark Gable, who’ve known one another for years, seem to have discovered in each other something more than a passing attraction. They’ve been seeing a lot of each other in quiet places. Ann’s divorce became final in January; so she’s now eligible for marriage. She’s the home-loving type, and it could be that she’d snare King Gable, who’s certainly been getting around with the gals of late.

  • clark gable

    Gossip Friday: Drug Store Patriot

    From October 1943: Captain Clark Gable, now back in Hollywood, editing the films he shot on bombing missions over Germany, tells this story on himself. A few miles on his Encino ranch, there is a small drug and candy store where he used to go for breakfast before he was in the Army. Returning home, and still needing breakfast, even though he wears a hero’s medals, he headed for the same drug store. Man and womanpower being what it is these days, there was only one waitress on duty, a new girl, and she’d got Clark all the way through his ham and eggs before she recognized him. When she…

  • clark gable barbara stanwyck to please a lady
    Gossip,  To Please a Lady

    Gossip Friday: Quite a Distraction

    From 1954: In May, 1950, the big race at Indianapolis Motor Speedway was only a few weeks away. To add to the excitement, MGM was hopefully trying to shoot scenes for To Please a Lady.  The cameramen were trying to get shots of Barbara Stanwyck coming down the back steps of the Pagoda, but they couldn’t get into the correct position because of the crowd. Suddenly everybody started moving infield, and I, wondering what ruse they were using to distract the crowd, followed and saw four State Troopers. Walking in their midst was the handsome, smiling Clark Gable. This enabled MGM to shoot their scene, and enabled me to see…

  • ria franklin gable

    Gossip Friday: Awaiting Divorce

    From January 1939: Reno, Nevada–Knitting needles, walking shoes and a pile of books amused Mrs. Maria Gable today as she awaited the time six weeks hence when she can divorce film star Clark Gable on the mildest grounds possible in Nevada–extreme mental cruelty. The amiable society woman; who came here Saturday and leased the seven-room home of her bachelor attorney, Frank J. McNamee Jr., said, “I am perfectly contented. I plan to live quietly, doing a lot of reading I’ve wanted to do for a long time, knit, take some walks and make a few trips around.” Gable, Hollywood friends say, will wed Comedienne Carole Lombard as soon as he…

  • Gossip

    Gossip Friday: Off to New York

    From February 1934: For the first time since he became a star, Clark Gable is going to New York. He left last night for his first night of Broadway and Times Square since he flew to Los Angeles several years go for a stage role. Several trips back east were planned by the one-time Ohio boy but film work always interfered. He expected to be gone at least two weeks.

  • clark gable carole lombard

    Gossip Friday: The Wilds of Arizona

    from August 1941: When Clark Gable takes a vacation he doesn’t fool. Last scenes of “Honky Tonk” in the can,  Clark and Carole Lombard are now somewhere in the wilds of Arizona, not to return to pictures until Dec. 1. Wrapped up in Gable’s $5500-a week contract is a clause specifying a three-month annual vacation to occur at “such a period as prescribed by party of the second part.” The hunting season is always Gable’s choice for the layoff period. Business is combined with pleasure this time. The star hopes to complete a deal, long hanging fire, for 2400 acres  of ranch property in Arizona. Deep in the wilderness, the…

  • clark gable carole lombard

    Gossip Friday: In the Side Door

    From March 1938: This business of being a famous star has its drawbacks. Last night I covered a big preview and happened to park my car alongside Clark Gable’s.  He and Carole Lombard started for the theatre with me, took one look at the swarming mob of autograph hunters, and stopped short.  “Listen,” begged Gable, “be a friend and get the manager to let us in a side door.” I saw them sneak in and, as the picture neared an end, I saw Gable begin to fidget. With at least a reel of the film still unseen, he suddenly clambered out of his seat and dragged Carole to the side…