• clark gable bette davis command performance

    {Photos} August 4, 1942: Clark Gable Gives a Command Performance

      On August 4, 1942, just a few days before he enlisted in the Army, recently widowed Clark Gable came out of hiding for a good cause: to appear on the radio program “Command Performance.” From “Stardom” magazine: Clark Gable’s Command Performance For the first time since Carole Lombard’s death, Clark consents to make a public appearance “Anything that will make our men overseas a little nearer to home, I’m willing to do,” said Clark Gable when he was requested to appear on “Command Performance,” the short wave program broadcast for America’s armed forces abroad. And a brief smile lighted his face when he was told that soldiers “over there”…

  • Gossip

    Gossip Friday: Radio Request

    From February 1940: Whenever Clark Gable goes on the air he always asks for Paula Winslow to play opposite him. He even insists on her part being built up and that she gets billing. ___ Not sure how true that is. They did do two radio shows together: “Detour to Love” in 1937 and “Danger Lights” in 1938.

  • Updates

    Clark and Carole On the Air!

    An unfortunate thing about Carole dying so young is that she was gone before mainstream television. So we have minimal candid video of her; she never got to laugh it up with Johnny Carson or Dick Cavett like many classic stars did. And although he lived well into the “golden age” of television, Clark, unfortunately, refused all television appearances. So, radio shows are about all we have to go on as far as live candid moments. Of course, the word “candid” is taken with a grain of salt, as these appearances were always scripted, but it is still great to find these little audio gems. New on the site are: New couple…