• Gossip

    Gossip Friday: The Great Mouse Detective

    From 1946: It happened at a beach resort up the coast, where Clark Gable was spending his holiday. In the middle of the night he beard a strange noise in his room. It stopped, then grew even louder. Clark finally called down to the desk and asked them to send up the house detective. They did. And what they found was a mouse caught in a trap that had been hidden under what-a-man Gable;s bed!

  • Films,  Idiot's Delight,  Photos

    {Photos} Idiot’s Delight (1939)

    Let’s take a look at some of the photos from 1939’s Idiot’s Delight, infamously known as Clark’s singing and dancing picture. On the Set: Lots of divine publicity shots with Norma Shearer: And of course there were many publicity shots taken of Clark with those pretty blondes: And how about some Clark close-up screenshots?

  • Gossip

    Gossip Friday: Beginner’s Luck

    From 1947: While Clark Gable, Cesar Romero, Diana Lewis and the Walter Langs stood speechless, Brian Donlevy brought a 27-pound halibut to gaff aboard a chartered boat. Because Brian insisted he had never fished on the ocean before, Clark took pity on him and arranged the outing. Beginner’s luck, Brian declared. Clark, whose catch weighed only 13 pounds, wasn’t so sure. Amongst all the fisherman, Brian’s catch was pronounced the record of the day. Clark still believes he fell for a “fish” story. 

  • Gossip

    Gossip Friday: A Tracy Never Forgets

    From 1948: A Tracy never forgets! Not when he hears that Clark Gable has to smoke a big fat cigar in “Command Decision.” Spencer remembered how Clark hated the last one he smoked four years ago in a picture. So, the day they shot the scene, Mr. T. sent cigars to everyone on the set, with instructions to light up and “help” Gable give a good performance! Clark’s already planning his revenge.  

  • Gossip

    Gossip Friday: A Plea for Clark

    Fan letter from 1946: I have been an ardent Clark Gable fan for many years (especially since seeing “Gone with the Wind”), so naturally I was eagerly looking forward to Clark’s return to the screen, Well, I have seen “Adventure” and what a disappointment! The dialogue and situations were either hackneyed or ridiculous, and the picture would have been ruined had it not been for Clark’s durable charm and unbeatable personality. With the possible exception of “Boom Town,” Clark hasn’t had one really good role since “Gone with the Wind.” Clark Gable has given many years of acting services to the screen; his pictures have brought in millions of dollars…

  • Gossip

    Gossip Friday: Mistaken Conceit

    From October 1934: It remained for Clark Gable to give a sensible explanation of “mistaken conceit.” “Many screen stars are so described,” Gable said, “Because people are looking for reasons to apply the high-hat phrase. For instance, suppose A and B, two friends, pass on the street, and A fails to see B. Later, B says, ‘I saw A on the street today and he didn’t see me,’ and that ends the matter. “But let A become a movie star, and then let them pass on the street, and let A again fail to see N. At once B hastens around town crying, “A has gone hi-hat. He passed me…

  • Across the Wide Missouri,  Gossip

    Gossip Friday: Shave and a Haircut

    From October 1950: King Clark Gable was sans shave-and-a-haircut for quite a spell before “Across the Wide Missouri” started filming in the wilds of Montana. You’ll see that man with a nature-boy hairdo and beard in the first scenes and you’ll also hear him sing. But Mr. G. doesn’t wear the hair mattress all through the picture. He polishes himself up when he meets the Indian maiden with whom he falls in love.

  • Updates

    New Look

    As you can see, the site has undergone a major renovation. It was time for an update and also I had to change webhosts and a bunch of other nonsense. It was a frustrating two week period but now that I’m on the other side I’d say it was worth it.  The new design is very user-friendly and is much easier to read and navigate on mobile devices. And if you add it as a shortcut on your smartphone you get a cute little Clark Gable icon on your screen and who wouldn’t want that? Some other notes on the update: Radio shows will be coming back soon; I have…

  • Anniversary

    Happy Anniversary, Clark Gable and Carole Lombard

    Clark Gable and Carole Lombard were married 76 years ago today, on March 29, 1939. After three years of will-they-or-won’t-they, America’s favorite couple had made it official. I usually post this on their anniversary, but instead of me telling the tale of their wedding day, it’s best coming from Clark Gable himself, don’t you think? “It has been written since then that Carole and I had that wedding day planned out for months in advance, but that’s not true. It happened this way. On the afternoon of March 28, I was finished with my scenes [in Gone with the Wind] about three in the afternoon. While I was taking off…

  • Films,  Movie of the Month,  They Met in Bombay

    March Movie of the Month: They Met in Bombay (1941)

    This month, Clark Gable is a thief chasing jewelry and fellow swindler Rosalind Russell in They Met in Bombay. Gable is Gerald Meldrick, a jewel thief who has trailed a British duchess to India to steal her antique diamond necklace. He encounters Anya Von Duren (Russell), a rival thief out for the same score. She succeeds in stealing the necklace, but he fools her into believing he is a detective and gets the necklace from her. She figures him out and he proposes they be partners. They hop on a Chinese ship headed for Hong Kong but the crooked captain (Lorre) tries to turn them in for ransom. Paddling their…