
Gossip Friday: Get Tough!

clark gable

From October 1938:

Are you preparing for the future–as are many of Hollywood’s biggest stars? A future so far removed from their present lucrative contracts, luxurious homes, and assured box office appeal that it may contain political upheavals, war, poverty and even the wiping out of the picture industry as it stands now?

Just a few years ago, wise little stars prepared for the future by saving their salaries, establishing trust funds, creating estates. Today the answer is not so simple! Clark Gable told me:

“I’d rather be able to take care of myself in a wilderness, with only limited camping equipment, than have $100,000 in the banks! Banks can and have failed, but if a man is self-reliant, he can get along somwhow under any conditions.”

“Get tough! That’s my advice. Keep in the best physical trim. Don’t be afriad to rough it. A campfire. A dog stretched out exhausted. A man in rough huntsman’s garb. Sufficient unto himself, regardless of a man-mande money, depressions, political changes…”

Proving his own words, Clark goes on dangerous and thrilling hunting trips at every oppurtunity, down to mexico, up into the Rockies, through the Yaqui River country. He can and has killed deer, mountain lion, bear and elk. He has cooked many a meal himself and grown hard and strong and more truly independent than if a Hollywood salary were all-important!

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