
The Gable Gallery: Come One, Come All!

clark gable san francisco

This website has many moving parts: content, blog, Facebook, gallery—the gallery being the most frustrating part by far. I want to share the over 10,000 pictures with Clark Gable fans the easiest way possible. However, I learned early on that if I leave the gallery wide open for anyone to register whenever they want, I am literally inundated with spam comments. Thousands of them, posted all day and all night long–sometimes it would take me hours to delete them all! I got so tired of dealing with that that I locked the gallery down and made it so that you must request a username from me to register. I tried my hardest to keep up with the requests and for a while this worked fine. Lately, however, I have received a lot of requests and for some reason the gallery will automatically ban any new user. I have no idea why and apparently neither does anyone who designed the gallery software; it’s some kind of bizarre glitch. I am extremely frustrated that Clark Gable fans, who are the entire reason I created this entire site and keep it up, are being shut out and banned from a part of it like they are unwanted—which trust me, is the LAST THING I would want.

So, while I work on another solution, the Gable Gallery is now wide open for registrations. Come one, come all, register and view the photos! Click on register on the main page, fill out the short form and then you will receive an email for you to verify your account.

If anyone has any trouble with this, please let me know. And if you have had trouble in the recent months, I sincerely apologize and I am working on a permanent solution!

Many thanks!

clark gable san francisco



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