
Gossip Friday: Where are my chickens?


From April 1940:

If they weren’t so much in love it would be cause for divorce. Clark Gable, who had rather win a prize at the coming Ponoma Fair for his poultry than a gold award for his acting, recently bought some chickens from an Eastern farmer. By the time they were delivered at the Gable ranch in the valley they cost Clark approximately thirty bucks apiece. Clark was grooming them for the poultry exhibition, and could almost see the blue ribbons he was going to get at the Fair, when he was suddenly laid low with a strep throat and had to go to the hospital for a few days. While he was away, nice little wifey Carole took a look at the chicken yard one morning, decided there were far too many chickens in it, and proceeded to distribute Clark’s prize chickens to sixty needy families in the valley. When Clark heard about it he said, “I hope they realized they were having a thirty dollar chicken dinner.”


New this week:

Two new articles, “Life Ends at Forty!” (1937) and “The Trials of a Hollywood Ex-Wife” (1932). Also read up on Clark’s time in the military with a collection of newspaper articles.


600 screenshots from Gone with the Wind now in the gallery!

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