
Crazy for Carole


This month marks Carole Lombard’s 102nd birthday and so here at DearMrGable.com we are dedicating the month to her. Clark and Carole pictures are the most popular by far in the gallery—there is just something majestic about those two, even despite the tragedy.

So this month, they’ll be Carole gossip items and I’ll do some posts featuring some Carole articles and rare Carole candids.

To start, here’s a blurb from December 1940:

Carole Lombard hasn’t been to a party in over a year; the Gables not being the party type. But when Lillian MacMurray threw a birthday party for Fred recently, Clark said all right, they’d get dressed up and go. Carole had herself a time. She conducted the orchestra, she did an exhibition rhumba that would have had Desi Arnaz turning green with envy if he could have seen it, and she topped off the evening by dunking her toes in the fish pond. “And now,” said Carole, as she left for home, “I guess I can do without parties for another year.”


New this week:

Pictures in the gallery

A new section for Clark’s awards.

An article from 1939 written by Adela Rogers St. Johns about Tyrone Power idolizing Clark. If this isn’t a flattering quote from Adela, I don’t know what is:

I’ve met, in my business, a lot of the great men of our time. I’ve met several presidents of the United States, and Colonel Lindbergh, and Jack London, and Captain Eddie Rickenbacker, and I knew Valentino—and well, anyway, most of the famous one. But I think Clark Gable is the only completely natural human being I have ever met in my life. And that’s something to say about an actor. That’s why he’s always on balance, that’s why he always does the right thing at the right time for the right people, because he’s natural.” I was thinking over the years that I’ve known Clark and, as I thought, it became truer and truer.

Read the article in its entirety here.


One Comment

  • Debbie

    I’m so excited that Carole is being spotlighted here this month! I loved reading the blurb about the MacMurrays’ party. It sounds like she was the life of the party that night. Wouldn’t you love to see a photo of her wearing Fred’s pajamas after her dunk in his pool? If a photo is out there, you’ll find it and post it here, I’m sure! Great job!

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