
Gossip Friday: Two Rodeo Clowns

clark gable andy devine

From January 1940:

Funniest sight of the month–Watching Clark Gable and Andy Devine playing cowboy at Andy’s San Fernando ranch. Any day, now, when these two screen worthies aren’t working before the cameras you can see them astride a pair of giddyapps, running here, there and about everywhere, across the broad acres of the Devine rancho vainly trying to rope a bunch of fleet-footed white-face calves. the last private rodeo ended in a startling manner when Clark tossed his lariat around Andy’s shoulders by mistake and jerked the rotund owner of Rancho Pauncho to the ground. At least Clark says it was a mistake. He hasn’t convinced Andy, however, who is now nurturing a half-dozen acres of a different sort.

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