
Gossip Friday: Hedda Hopper’s Academy Awards

clark gable

Since the Oscars are this weekend….

Famed classic Hollywood columnist Hedda Hopper picks out her own “Superlative Academy Awards,” from March 1941 (I agree with the first one, anyway!):

Best all-around man in Hollywood:  Clark Gable, because he has more reality and virility than any other actor on the screen. And because off screen he’s one of the best balanced men in Hollywood, a swell companion and an all-around friend.

Best all-around woman in Hollywood:  Roz Russell, who’s had more hit pictures this last year than any other actress–because she’s the most civic-minded gal in town. She blends movies, society and citizenship.

Most popular woman:  Dame Rumor. Have you got one in your town?

Least popular woman:  Lady Truth, because nobody will listen to her.

Most entertaining man on screen:  Jack Barrymore–because he never fails to kid himself, his profession and his public.

Most entertaining man off screen:  Bob Hope

Hardest worker:  Male–Kay Kyser Female–Hedda Hopper

Think they are:  Male–Errol Flynn  Female–Mrs. Eddie Robinson

Most likely to succeed during 1941:  Male–John Carroll Female–Lana Turner

Most likely to fade out during 1941:  Male–George Raft  Female–Ann Sheridan

Done most for Hollywood:  David O. Selznick, through “GWTW” and “Rebecca”

Done Hollywood most:  Melvyn Douglas

Among the men:

Handsomest–Bob Taylor

Thinks he is–Errol Flynn

The prettiest–Victor Mature

Most brillant–Orson Welles

Laziest–Gary Cooper, and he’s made it pay dividends

Happiest–Andy Devine

Kindest–James Cagney

Among the women:

Most beautiful–Hedy Lamarr

Thinks she is–Madeleine Carroll

Best hostess–Mrs. Sam Goldwyn

Thinks she is–Mrs. Basil Rathbone

Best legs–Marlene Dietrich

Most talked about–Paulette Goddard

Most talked against–Paulette Goddard

Talks most–Elsa Maxwell

Says most–Anita Loos

Most generous–Joan Crawford

Wisest–Bette Davis

Most respected man in Hollywood:  Bing Crosby–and you all know why

Best performance in the last six months, male or female:  Thomas Mitchell in “Angels Over Broadway”, “The Long Voyage Home” and “Three Cheers for the Irish.”

Most overrated performance in last six months:   Tyrone Power in “Bringham Young”.

Best actress:  Bette Davis

Best actor:  Mickey Mouse or Donald Duck

Best-dressed man:  Basil Rathbone

Thinks he is:  Adolphe Menjou

Best-dressed woman:  Lili Damita Flynn

Thinks she is:  Every actress in town

Most likely to remain a bachelor:  Eddie Albert

Most likely to remain a spinster:  Edna May Oliver

Most likely to be married: Male–Bill Holden–he’s practically hooked now!  Female–Lana Turner–again and again and again

Biggest gloom:  Jack Benny. Never was a worrier like Jack. Privately, I think he loves to suffer.

Biggest bluffer:  Laurence Olivier

Best picture of the year:  “Rebecca”

Worst picture of the year:  “Moon Over Burma”

Most successful marriage in Hollywood:  The Charley Grapewins–they’ve just celebrated theur 44th year.

Most desirable bachelor:   Jimmy Stewart

Treats fans best:  Joan Crawford

Treats fans worst:  Virginia Bruce

Can’t take a joke:  Practically the entire population of Hollywood.

Can take a joke:  Bing Crosby, Bob Hope, Jimmy Cagney, Clark Gable, Pat O’Brien, Mickey Rooney, Charles Laughton.

Best sense of humor:  W.C. Fields

Think they have:  Ritz Brothers.

Has had the worst break from Hollywood:  D.W. Griffith, who started Hollywood history twenty-five years ago, but has been forgotten by practically everyone he helped.

Best lover:  Charles Boyer, by all odds.

Off screen:  Ditto, so I’m told.

Thinks he is:  Ray Milland

Most delightful child of star:  ZaSu Pitts’ daughter, Ann Gallery, who has entered Stanford this year.

Most annoying child of star:  I’ll skip this one, because I don’t know any other group of children better brought up, or receiving finer care.

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