
Gossip Friday: Carole Lombard’s Fashion Show

clark gable carole lombard

 From December 1936:

For weeks now, Carole Lombard has been trying to convince Clark Gable that she should be allowed to come along on the hunting trip Clark has planned with a bunch of the boys. She hasn’t had any luck. Then she heard, for the first time, about those red caps and scarlet jackets that most deer hunters wear to preserve life and limb. “An idea!” smiled Carole as she telephoned her modiste.

When Clark called that evening, Carole ordered him into a large comfortable chair and informed him that she was about to put on her first “Hunting Wardrobe” show. Red hats…red lounging pajamas…red sports outfit…red shoes and red handkerchief. Gable waited until the entire show was over, then he said: “But we’re not going dear hunting!”


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