Films,  Gone with the Wind,  Gossip

Gossip Friday: Silent Scarlett


Since TCM has selected Vivien Leigh as their Star of the Month this month (set your DVRs!), here’s some gossip on her from September 1940:

…of all Hollywood’s femmes fatales, we call your attention first to Vivien Leigh. If you lived in Hollywood this wouldn’t be necessary. You’d be aware of her–with reason!

It looks as if there’d be no liomit to Vivien’s conquests when–a little less enthralled by her Romeo, Laurence Olivier–she becomes aware that other men walk the earth, too. For those men who’ve managed to impress themselves on the Leigh consciousness, usually through working with her, are quick to admit her natural attraction.

“There’s always something more you want to know about Vivien,” one man told us. “She doesn’t talk too much. She doesn’t even talk much about ‘Gone with the Wind.’ And I needn’t tell you how some of our local belles would drag a triumph half the size of that one into the conversation–even though you were trying to concentrate on Hindustan.”

“Matter of fact,” he went on, “plenty of girls around here lose out on a lot of fun for no reason except that they talk too much, They’re easy on the eyes. They wear smart clothes. They’re smooth dancers. They know what’s what. But you can’t be at ease around them. They make your head spin!”


New this week:

A 1944 article written by Adela Rogers St. Johns

New pictures in the gallery

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