
Gossip Friday: Buzzing about Mr. and Mrs. Clark Gable

clark gable ria franklin

From May 1932:

The Monday following a recently notable Sunday, Hollywood was fairly buzzing with reports that the Clrk Gables had had a really serious disagreement–so serious, in fact, that the only ultimate outcome could be divorce. Some of us believed..and others didn’t, because ever since Clark has become so popular as a screen hero there have been rumors that all was not well in the Gable establishment.

The Tuesday, after the Monday, after the Sunday, Gene Dennis, the girl-psychic wonder who’s been appearing on a local stage in Hollywood, was being interviewed by one of the magazine writers. The interviewer thought this a particularly good time to find out about the rumored Gable matrimonial difficulties.

“Is the report about Mr. and Mrs. Gable true?” he asked Gene.

Miss Dennis answered that, as it came to her, Clark Gable and his wife had had a very serious misunderstanding the Sunday before. Further, it seems that their disgareement was of such a nature that it could cause a divorce.

A couple of months ago this column contained an item stating that there was just such a probablity. At the time, thsi news came to us from an entirely different source, but now it seems as if it was an all-too-true tip off. Many people here and all over the world put a lot of faith in what Gene Dennis says and while we don’t say you should, we thought you’d be interested in this statement.

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