
Ahoy to the USS Carole Lombard

Two years after the death of his wife, Clark joined Irene Dunne to launch the USS Carole Lombard, in honor of Carole and her dedication to her country. It is noted that the event was the first time in public that Clark visibly showed emotion over Carole. You can see the tears in his eyes, even in these newspaper photos. He had just come home from serving overseas and I am sure as he watched the ship back out of the harbor, it was with a heavy heart.

Associated Press account:

The mist that reddens a man’s eyes and passes for tears was plainly discernable in the eyes of Captain Clark Gable as the graceful new Liberty ship, the U.S.S. Carole Lombard, swept out into the seas.

In the ship’s wheelhouse was the Distinguished Service Certifcate awarded posthumously by the Treasury Department in honor of the work done just before she died in the plane that crashed while bearing her home from a Bond drive a little over two years ago.

Irene Dunne, friend of Miss Lombard, launched the ship with Carole’s inseparable companion, Fieldsie, now Mrs. Walter Lang, as matron of honor at the ceremony that took pace at Terminal Island in the Los Angeles Harbor.

Lieutenant Commander Robert Montgomery stood by Clark’s side during the impressive launching ceremony.

As the graceful ship floated out to the sea, Captain Gable lifted his arm in a farewell salute. The sorrow in his face matched the tears in his eyes.

Some new pictures:


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