Gossip Friday: Easy for Kirk, Not for Clark
From June 1958:
When Clark Gable, a rugged outdoorsman, recently tackled an activity-packed P.A. tour for his “Teacher’s Pet,” he came home to announce, “never again. I’ve never been through anything so rough.”
I asked returning soldier Kirk [Douglas] if he shared Clark’s sentiments. His answer was both yes and no.
“This kind of thing is always a rough, exhausting experience. You seldom have a minute to yourself. Your schedule is jam-packed. You meet a million people, answer a million questions, smile a million smiles. But after you make a few of these tours you learn to roll with the punch. What’s more,” Kirk quipped, “you learn what kind of pills to pack along.
“Clark’s trouble is he started doing the P.A. bit too late. You see, by now I’m conditioned to it.”