
Gossip Friday: Salesmanship Going in for Showmanship

From December 1936:

Salesmanship is going in for showmanship.

Door-to-door salesmen and street vendors are imitating the stars to get their products across.

Clark Gable was the first to discover the new sales method. As he was driving to his MGM “Parnell” set the other morning, Clark noticed a man dressed like Charlie Chaplin, with mustache, big shoes, cane and a derby hat. The fellow would ring a doorbell, do a Chaplin routine, and then go into a sales talk.

Clark, interested by the demonstration, stopped to talk to the salesman, who, it developed, was selling Christmas cards.

“It’s a swell way to get the attention of customers,” said the chap. “Another fellow, who is doing fine with an imitation of William Powell, gave me the idea.”

Clark also learned the salesgirls are also going in for imitations. Mae West is their most successful impersonation.

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